
What should I do following a massage treatment?

Here is some advice of what you should do after visiting Cross Massage Therapy for a treatment.


Drink plenty of water

This will rehydrate the body, help flush away toxins released during the treatment, and help prevent next-day soreness.


This will help improve flexibility, keep joints mobilised and sustain muscle and tissue looseness. As a general guide, hold stretches for 30 seconds.

Use heat & ice

If you have particularly sore areas, use heat packs then ice packs alternately. As a rule, apply heat for 2 minutes followed by cold for 2 minutes (x 4, 2-3 times a day). This can help to accelerate the healing and reduce any tenderness. Some clients benefit from a hot bath to soothe muscles.

Avoid strenuous activity

Try to take it easy immediately after your treatment.

Avoid stimulants

Avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes for at least 24 hours. These can increase dehydration and add toxins back into the body.


Allow the body to heal and settle.

Wrap up warm

Massage can often make you feel cold afterwards.

Please note!

After treatment you may experience symptoms such as dehydration, cold/flu like symptoms, headaches, pain/bruising on area focused on during treatment. These should only last between 24-48 hours and are a sign that the body is rebalancing. If you have any concerns please get in touch.


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