
01 August 2022

Proprioception is the non-visual perception, sensation and awareness of the body's precise positioning in space. Sensory receptors are located in joints, muscles and tendons all over the body. The nerves surrounding the tissue are triggered during movement. Every time we move this sensation is stimulated in the brain so that you have an awareness of what position your joints and limbs are in.

Balance is integral to proprioception. Knowing what position your limbs and joints are, and even other body parts such as the spine, will help you stay upright, maintain a good posture and keep you steady on your feet. Having the ability to correct movement and stability issues consciously and unconsciously is because of good proprioception.

Girl balancing

As well as positioning and balance, proprioception also detects what force and effort the muscles are using. So for example when we stretch, the muscle tissues are extended and flexed and therefore the nerve endings send a message to the brain in order to provide information on positioning and effort. This sense is also particularly awakened when bending joints like the elbows or knees and when performing body motions such as pulling, pushing, lifting or squeezing.

To draw upon another good proprioception example would be to imagine being blindfolded so that the sense of sight is removed and then lifting an arm above your head. Although you cannot physically see where the arm has moved to, you are still very much aware that the arm is now in an upright, elevated position.

Author: Cross Massage Therapy